Palmetto Sharpshooters, Company G
Casualties at Second Manassas.
The 29th & 30th of August 1862 were devasting for York District. A large number of casualties occurred in the battle of Groveton on the 29th and on the 29th and 30th at the Second Battle of Manassas (the Union name for the battle was Bull Run). The following represents only a few of the York District Companies who were in the Battle of Manassas. The Yorkville Enquirer, the only newspaper in the district, had no correspondent on the scene and depended on individual soldiers to collect the information and forward it to the paper. The Yorkville Enquier printed the bad news on Sept. 10, 1862 .
Casualties in the Jasper Light Infantry of Palmetto Sharpshooters
on the 30th of August were:
John Neil, of the Citadel, who joined the company during the battle
Lt. Carroll
Sgt. O'Farrell
Cpl. Gillespie, in arm
Private J. D. Dickson, in arm
Private H. Ramsey, mortally
Private James Gun, slightly
Private W.B. Williams, arm broken
Private James Welsh, severely in leg
(Reported by W.B. Smith)
Courtsey of Louise Pettus, York County Genealogical & Historical Society, P.O. Box 3061CRS, Rock Hill SC 29732
Casualties at Second Manassas.
The 29th & 30th of August 1862 were devasting for York District. A large number of casualties occurred in the battle of Groveton on the 29th and on the 29th and 30th at the Second Battle of Manassas (the Union name for the battle was Bull Run). The following represents only a few of the York District Companies who were in the Battle of Manassas. The Yorkville Enquirer, the only newspaper in the district, had no correspondent on the scene and depended on individual soldiers to collect the information and forward it to the paper. The Yorkville Enquier printed the bad news on Sept. 10, 1862 .
Casualties in the Jasper Light Infantry of Palmetto Sharpshooters
on the 30th of August were:
John Neil, of the Citadel, who joined the company during the battle
Lt. Carroll
Sgt. O'Farrell
Cpl. Gillespie, in arm
Private J. D. Dickson, in arm
Private H. Ramsey, mortally
Private James Gun, slightly
Private W.B. Williams, arm broken
Private James Welsh, severely in leg
(Reported by W.B. Smith)
Courtsey of Louise Pettus, York County Genealogical & Historical Society, P.O. Box 3061CRS, Rock Hill SC 29732
Casualties in Co. F (Capt. Avery), 17th Regt, S.C. Volunteers in the Battle of Groveton, Friday the 29th of August.
Wallace, O.L., Private
Parker, W.A., Private
McClain, Jonathan, Private
Logan, D.J., 1st Lt., serious;
Moore, E.P., Lt., leg:
Gunthrop, R.C., 1st Sgt., both thighs, flesh;
Dunovant, William, 5th Sgt., flesh arm;
Lowry, S.C., flesh, thigh;
Hethrington, J.E., breast, serious;
Garvin, James, 2 fingers off;
Moore, G.W., 1 finger off;
Hays, Robert, in hip slight;
Green, Jerry, in head slight;
Dover, A., arm broken;
Seapock, Joseph, in shoulder;
Martin, William, leg flesh;
Moser, J.C., through hand & leg severe;
Roberts, Samuel, shoulder slight;
Latham, James, hip slight;
Wilkerson, J., slight;
Roberts, Reuben, in breast, not severe.
Wallace, O.L., Private
Parker, W.A., Private
McClain, Jonathan, Private
Logan, D.J., 1st Lt., serious;
Moore, E.P., Lt., leg:
Gunthrop, R.C., 1st Sgt., both thighs, flesh;
Dunovant, William, 5th Sgt., flesh arm;
Lowry, S.C., flesh, thigh;
Hethrington, J.E., breast, serious;
Garvin, James, 2 fingers off;
Moore, G.W., 1 finger off;
Hays, Robert, in hip slight;
Green, Jerry, in head slight;
Dover, A., arm broken;
Seapock, Joseph, in shoulder;
Martin, William, leg flesh;
Moser, J.C., through hand & leg severe;
Roberts, Samuel, shoulder slight;
Latham, James, hip slight;
Wilkerson, J., slight;
Roberts, Reuben, in breast, not severe.